A Little NetGalley for the Holidays

For a limited time, I’ve signed up through BooksGoSocial to have Their Witch Wears Plaid listed with the NetGalley. I encourage all members who enjoy romantic comedies, magical realism and zany side characters to pick up a copy today.

Net Gallery is a dedicated site to get the word out about upcoming titles and those wanting a new marketing outlet to quality readers. Reviewers, bloggers, journalists, librarians, booksellers, and educators can use NetGalley for free to request, read, and recommend titles before they are published.

And isn’t getting your title in front of reviewers and librarians the nature of promoting? A good review from a prominent reader can sometimes make all the difference in a book’s life on the shelf. Maybe you’d like to become a member of NetGalley or BooksGoSocial: check out their websites.

TWWP coffee

NaNoWriMo – Check

How many of you have heard of National Novel Writing Month? November is the official month each year where hundreds of thousand of writers from around the world compete against themselves to write a 50,000-word novel. It’s an intense push beginning after midnight of November 1st until midnight of November 30 for a writer to sit in their chair and crank out words.

These is no major prize at the end of the challenge other than the celebration and exuberant feeling of accomplishment. And a badge you can post on your website or Facebook page. There are t-shirts for sale and other writing fun things in their online store.

NaNoWriMo is something I’ve wanted to do for decades. Working fulltime plus various other excuses such as raising a family, then grandchildren, plus publishing my own novels and non-fiction kept me from dedicating thirty days on one storyline.

I can now check this event off my bucket list. That’s right I am a winner of the 2017 NaNo-2017-Winner-BadgeNaNoWriMo challenge. Whew. I’ve had an idea for a story stuck in my mind for these long decades and finally I declared my intentions in October. This year, by golly, I was going to join these thousands of writers and swim in the stress and glory. And, yes, I bought myself a t-shirt so I’ll always remember this excitement.

Too delicious. The drawback is unwinding now from the every day drive to get in x-amount of words and spending hours and hours with a band of characters. Granted, I plan on editing and revising my little jewel over the next few months. I worked too hard not to give the manuscript a chance at publishing.

So stay tuned and I’ll let you know how the process goes …



Zany Characters

My first romantic comedy, Changes in Attitude, included a marvelous side kick named Gillian Nation. He worked for the protagonist, Allie, and provided droll humor along the storyline. I saw Gillian as tall, blond and gorgeous – muscular yet slender, intelligent and gay. I fell in love with his wit and demeanor throughout the book.

I liked this character so much, he barged into my next novel Her Ghost Wears Kilts and brought along friends: Rafael and T-Cup. Seriously. Well, an entourage of sorts. Rafael and T are delightful drag queens who captured my heart with their dramatics. Interestingly, in the original manuscript there was a third Musketeer in the entourage named Stormy, she played a Cher impersonator. But the editor felt there were too many side characters and they overshadowed the main female and male leads. Stormy got the ax. (sniffles)

My zany characters add color and energy to the Baillie Castle trilogy. Together they are the Diva Squad, willing to do or sacrifice for their friends. One day they may have their own book where their stars and glitter can shine alone.

Who are your favorite side characters? Think about your favorite book and notice how relevant and important a part those characters play.


Release Day for the eBook edition!


Happy Summer Solstice and with it the additional magical powers of a full moon. The perfect combination for a wedding at Baillie Castle, right? My latest book His Lass Wears Tartan is released today in eBook edition by Crimson Romance. This fun paranormal romance is a sequel to the best-selling, award-winning Her Ghost Wears Kilts in the Scottish Highlands.

Read more about this delightful book and an interview with Kathleen Shaputis at Harlequin Junkie where they are giving away a free ebook of His Lass Wears Tartan.

This exciting new story is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.



June 12th is Crowded Nest Syndrome Day

awareness day

Are you suffering from CNS or know someone who is? Buy them a copy of The Crowded Nest Syndrome, a wickedly funny look at one woman’s attempt to survive the invasion of adult children. In eBook, paperback and Audio editions. Here are a few tips to tide you over:

3-5 Things Parents Should Never Do

  • Make them comfortable.

Returning adult children thrive on comfort. Do not offer to do their laundry or buy their special brands of shampoo.  Don’t loan them your car, you’ll never gain control again.

  • Install cable or phone service in their room.

If they’re plugged into the world from their old bedroom, they won’t leave.

  • Put an adult child twice your size into time out.

Do you really want a nose print on the wall you’d have to get a ladder to wash off?  When power struggles occur, and they will, boot ‘em out or button up.

  • Leave your spouse alone too long.

Don’t give the spouse a reason to invite them home. Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but a crowded nest will raise your blood pressure to cardiac arrest levels.